Sunset at Windebyer Noor
Last night I did my first shooting with ND filter. It was a premiere in some aspects. For the first time I…
- … used my Haida neutral density filter 1000,
- … shot with my Ayex AX-3 remote-control release,
- … tried to shoot BULB and
- … used my Rollei Beta tripod with Sirui G-10X ball head.
These were my lessons learned:
- F-stop 16 and ND 1000 are not enough for really long exposures under these conditions.
- Sony a6000 supports BULB only in Manual Mode.
- I have to learn how to dismount the center column from my tripod to get nearer to the ground.
- I should spend much more time on the location and the composition. For this I have to start earlier.
- It would be good to chose better clothing and have Autan ready. This time the mosquitos made me leave and missing the Golden Hour.
- I need practice, practice, practice…
- Shooting sunsets is sooo recreational (and does not require to get out of bed in the middle of the night).